Project Pipeline


Relating to each other and the world around us via story is core to being human. GPG approaches each project with close attention to story resonance: how individuals emotionally connect with an idea, concept or sequence.

Resonance is often based on perception and prior experience. Back-and-forth synchronization with a physical, environmental message is more memorable, possessing the greatest impact. A story physically conveyed effectively connects within a participant when all their senses align through emotional engagement.


While each project generates its own bespoke path, we have found the following process phases produce reliable results. Each project has a predetermined number of phases depending on complexity. We determine the appropriate phase quantity during the initial ‘Observation’ phase.

Six Process Phases

1. OBSERVATION - What is the first thing we do at the edge of the Grand Canyon before venturing into its vastness? Observe. GPG does the same thing in the Observation phase; a period of simply taking in what is present without judgment, thought, or expectation. We record human interactions within environments. An example: noting guest or customer action alongside cast member/employee interaction, together with variations across time. This phase becomes a foundation with further development reference.

2. BLUE SKY - Our process continues with a Blue Sky phase - where anything is possible. Right/wrong, good/bad, serious/ridiculous do not exist here. This is the phase where unexpected concepts may materialize, and unforeseen solutions often present themselves in curious ways. Session participants are encouraged to provide images, writings, movies and scribbled figures or symbols to convey their thoughts and ideas. These are often very freeing sessions as new beginnings rise into existence.

3. CONCEPT DESIGN - Written and sketched visions take preliminary shape throughout the Concept Phase. This is where “The Core Idea” solidifies to become image and sound montages, artistic illustrations, hand-made models, and computer animatics (animated video visualizations). Conceptualization brings primary elements into the light as design becomes viewable, listenable, and tangible. Various elements retain flexibility as some are removed from consideration. Others evolve as an iconic essence of the overall project.

4. DESIGN DEVELOPMENT - Ideas take real-world form throughout Design Development. Here, physical models are often created, walk-through mockups are explored, fabrication details are established, materials and finishes are selected, technical systems are configured, and scaled drawings are drafted. It is in this dimensional sculpting phase where detail changes are made before all is transferred to those who begin building the real entity.

5. PRODUCTION - Production is the 'making phase.' Procurement, fabrication, and assembly are directed per budget allocations to align with field construction schedules and milestones. This is when final components are built, so we often collaborate with a number of suppliers, vendors, and creative-technical talents. Adjustments are managed as systems are assembled, testing along the way to insure design intent meets or exceeds specifications.

6. INSTALLATION - Throughout Installation we fit all the pieces together. Software, hardware, sets, cabinets, monitors, projectors, sound systems, and specialized components arrive on site as we choreograph it all. We collaborate with the project manager, coordinators, and the client to ensure all details materialize. Testing and adjustments are made as systems begin operating in their final configurations. Once all systems are fully functioning, we turn them over to facility operations so they have ample time to learn all the parameters in advance of public interaction.